Tribute : My Dad - from Tolulope Opaleye ( née Akinruli)

Created by Olukemi 2 years ago
There goes a MAN! I am proud to be his daughter.
My Dad has been such an icon and example to me.
He has been integral to my life from as far back as any child would remember! 
It was obvious he loved my mother and each of his children fiercely, but make no mistake – he did not suffer fools gladly! I would remember him as a calm, and clinical disciplinarian.
I would remember whenever I did something worthy of more intense discipline than just a few words, my Dad would execute his discipline, correction or whatever you may call it, almost like a surgeon, carrying out life changing surgery! There was always a calm process to his approach. He would first sit me down, explain to me calmly why what I did was wrong, why if I carried on in that path, there were negative consequences later in life, what the difference would be if I had made a better choice and so on. By the time he goes through this, I am a fully repented and surrendered believer in his words. I would hope he would leave things there and let by gone be by gone, but no my father would complete his surgical operation by pronouncing his recommended dose of “medication for correction” This could be 3, 4, 5 or whatever number of strokes if the cane, depending on what the “disease” he was intending to eradicate. He would then take off his wristwatch, his glasses and carry out his effective “surgery” and I can confirm that I always received instant healing each time and I am the better for it till this day. 
To him everything had a process to follow and he followed due process always without fail.
He gave me such confidence by always letting me know he believed in me. Today, I can stand shoulder to shoulder and eyeball to eyeball with any president, prime minister or leader with respect but unflinching confidence.
He taught me principles on budgeting, planning and spending within one's means. He did not just teach, he lived by example! It’s little wonder that I have pursued a career that relies heavily on these principles.
He has made loving God easy for me because he showed us the love of a devoted father.
He made sacrifices to ensure that his children had the education that would create a good quality of life.
He loved his wider family, community, friends and church. He always wanted to improve the life of the people around him and he went much more than the extra mile to ensure that people were comfortable but better. 
He was always fair, never took sides, a great counsellor and never spoke a bad word about anybody. 
Had we the opportunity, books could be written about Sir Akinruli with enough for even many more.
Suffice to say……………………………………………
There indeed goes a man! And I am proud to be your daughter.
Good night Dad! I would sorely miss you!